Wednesday, January 9, 2008

There's no fun, like SNOW fun!

Stephanie, Ben & Noah have become our closets friends. . We called them up and asked if they wanted to go sledding with us. This was kaden's first time really sledding and he loved it.(but crashed once and decided he just wanted to walk down the hill) We had so much fun! Thank you steph and ben for coming with us. We are really lucky to have such great friends.


Bryn said...

Looks like you had snow much fun! Okay, that was dorky, but I wrote it anyway. It's so great to have close friends that live by you so you can do those kinds of things. Does Monday or Friday work for you to get together?

bevany said...

You and Steph look so cute in that last picture. Such a fun day! Taking kids sledding is the best. So...I guess you decided you like the new template you have?

Anna said...

I'll have to talk to Mike but would a Sunday work for you, he is booked every night and most saturdays as well, not for ever but for the next few weeks. You could come to dinner and then we'll play the Wii!!! I'll check with Mike and then let you know when he is free.

Anna said...

I forgot but tomorow (the 13th) we have to go to my cousins homecoming. so what about next sunday the 20th? I'll have Mike call you during the week. Sorry i totally forgot about the homecoming.

Rebecca and Nick Ballstaedt said...

You know what your little family is so cute and really as much as I am apposed to having kids right now you inspire me to possibly one day soon. Maybe!

Brian and Amelia said...

Hi!!! I just noticed the link to your blog from Mike and Anna's. You have such a cute little family! How are you guys, I haven't seen you forever!

Anna said...

So would this sunday at 5:30 work for you guys? We'll just have dinner and visit or play the wii or whatever. I'll have Mike call you with our address.