Sunday, December 23, 2007

Santa's little Elf's

Papa had this little Elf hat, Kaden insist getting his picture taken,"your not your mom's kid are ya?) hee hee
Aunt heidi and her cute little elf Matthew
I had to put this picture on here, we were at Nana's house and kaden would only take a picture if he could hold the Root beer bottle, and the funnest part is Connor your not mad are ya? I just can't help but laugh every time I see this "Connor you are cute even when your mad." This is not the best picture of me but hey I just had a baby!!!!!
Jingle Bells, Jingle bells, kaden was just sitting on Nana's counter just singing Jingle bells as loud as he could to make sure we all were listening. Tanner banner is in the back being his back up singer!